We´re all About Fresh

We sell fresh fish in all its varieties, (Anchovy, Mackerel, bonito, Tuna, Sardine, Hake, etc..).

Furthermore we export and import products from other countries, as well as our Cantabrian coast, where we received the fish of the day directly from the boats and we delyvered to our customers with the highest quality, keeping it in top condition, through our fleet of trucks and our efficient distribution network.

Pescados Ginés e Hijos S.L. is committed to product quality and freshness. This business philosophy translates into a trust guarantee backed by our large base of completely satisfi ed customers. We are specialists in seasonal fish, including the following varieties:

Besugo                                                                  Bonito del Norte                                                    Corvina

Colorado                                                                Rape                                                                     Calamar

Corcón                                                                     Lampo                                                                  Sabia

Lenguado                                                                  Lubina                                                                 Mero

Dorada                                                                      Merluza                                                               Rodaballo

Pulpo                                                                        Erizo de Mar


Seasonal fish products:

Antxoa, Sardina, Verdel o Caballa, Camarón, Kokotxas, Viso, Boga, Atún rojo, Atún patudo, Chicharro o Jurel, Erla o Herrera, Sargo, Faneca, Pargo, and a large etc...


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